Trabed’s Opera Training Wheels
April 3, 2016
2:30 p.m.
Grand Theatre, Kingston, ON
More than just ladies in horns, this family-friendly introduction will give you all the tools you need to navigate any opera. Join Trabed the Puppet as he learns the difference between a soprano and a tenor. Discover why mezzo-sopranos always wear pants. Come for the root beer floats, stay for the balloon hammers and fake moustaches. This unique production features the artists of Opera 5, a Toronto-based company known for its tongue-in-cheek interpretations of opera on the internet. Trabed’s Opera Training Wheels is a fun and engaging way to uncover what makes this art form so special.
Evan Mitchell, conductor
Aria Umezawa and Trabed the puppet, hosts
Adrian Kramer, tenor
Rachel Krehm, soprano
Benjamin Covey, baritone
Aidan Ferguson, mezzo-soprano
You can buy tickets here.